viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

how to survive a apocalipse zombie

Survival tactics.
Right. to get the survival guide in case of a zombie attack:

The apartments and apartment buildings vary in size and layout and, therefore, in defensibility.
However, from the low two-storey buildings of Los Angeles to the concrete and glass towers of New York, there are certain rules that can be applied.
The ground floor apartments have the highest risk simply because of their accessibility. Neighbors vivensobre ground level will be safer than those in any other house.
The destruction of the staircase effectively isolates the rest of the building. With the elevator down and ladder fire too high for the zombies reach (strict limits apply by law)
any apartment can be considered an instant shelter from the undead.
Another advantage of the apartment complex is its large population. While an owner may be forced to maintain the dwelling itself, an apartment building can be defended by all
neighbors. This also increases the possibility of having multiple experts working such as carpenters,
electricians, nurses and army reservists (not always be the case, but it is a possibility). By
Of course, with more people comes the likelihood of further social conflicts. However, this problem
potential should never be a deterrent to choosing between a house or an apartment. If
have the choice, always choose the latter.

In almost any other section in this book using conventional texts recommended
(Use of weapons, military tactics, survival skills, etc.), those writings to
protect the home are recommended. The home defense books are designed to
counter a human adversary with human skills and human intelligence. Many
tactics and strategies presented in these books, such as the use of elaborate systems of
alarm devices pump traps and painful, but not lethal, such as pepper spray cans or
nail heads on the carpet, it would be useless against an undead attacker but against an unwanted intruder human is very useful

The siege has begun. Zombies are crammed around your home, attacking incessantly but
unable to enter. At this point, your worries are far from over. Wait for it to finish the
siege does not mean sitting
 Many tasks must be performed and repeatedly to
survive in a confined space.

A. Designate a corner of the backyard to serve as a latrine. Most survival manuals
explain the appropriate points of construction and waste disposal.

B. If the terrain and rains permit, dig a planting of vegetables. This ready source of food
should be consumed first, saving canned food for an emergency. Keep as far away from
latrines as possible to prevent infection, not the waste if not for the residual effects of lime or bleach have on the ground.

. For electricity, always resort to hand generator (powered by bicycle). The petrol model not
is a louder and potentially dangerous-its fuel is limited. Employ it only in
extreme circumstances, such as a night attack, when manual operation is impracticable or
impossible to carry out.

D. Patrol the wall constantly. If you are in a group, organize guards around the clock.
Always be alert to an unlikely but possible infiltration. If these only, limit your patrols to
daylight hours. At night, make sure all doors are secure (windows should already be
boarded up). Always sleeps with a flashlight and a gun next. Sleeping slightly.

E. Stay at a low level. If you have a basement, kitchen there, along with the generation of electricity and equipment
maintenance. When monitorices the radio, something that should be done every day, employs
headphones. Keep thick curtains on all windows, especially at night.

F. Dispose of all bodies. Sea zombie or human, a corpse is a corpse. The bacteria in the meat
Rotten can be a serious health hazard. All bodies inside the perimeter must be
burned or buried. All bodies at the outside of the wall must be burned. To do this,
simply get on a ladder from your side of the wall, poured gasoline on cool monsters
killed, light a match and drop it. Although this may attract more undead to your shelter is a
irrigation and to remove a present danger.

G. Exercise daily. It uses the exercise bike, along with basic calisthenics and dynamic tension, keep your
body fit and strong enough for any combat situation. Again, make sure the
system used is silent. If you do not have a basement, he used a room in the center of the house.
The basic soundproofing such as mattresses and blankets against the walls help dampen any sound.

H. Entertain. Despite the need to monitor, recreation is a must. Make sure that a
large stock of books, games and other forms of entertainment are accessible (electronic games are
too noisy and inefficient energy to take them into consideration). In a long siege and
seemingly endless boredom can lead to paranoia, disillusionment and despair. So
important is to keep your mind in good shape as your body.

I. Keep your earplugs handy and use them often. The constant collective groan of the undead,
a sound that will continue at all times while the siege continues, can be a form of psychological weapon
mortal. We know of people with well-armed and well-protected homes that have finished killing each
others or simply going crazy by the incessant whine.

J. Be sure to plan an escape route and that your computer is ready to go. In the uncertainty of the
battle, you may need to leave your home. Perhaps the wall has been pierced, you may have been initiated
fire, rescue may have arrived but not close enough. For whatever reason, it's time to leave.

Keep your survival pack and weapon in an easily accessible area, prepared, loaded and ready to
The dead have risen. You smell the smoke, hear the sirens. Screams and gunshots fill the air. You have been
unable or reluctant when properly prepare your home - now what? Although the situation looks bleak, in any way mark your order. If you take the appropriate actions in due time, you can save a
yourself and your family to join the ranks of the undead.

A. Strategies for two-story homes

1. Shut all doors and windows. Although a panel of glass can not stop a zombie, the sound of his
Break alarm is the best you can get.

Two. Runs upstairs and opens the tub. Although it sounds silly, no way to know when the cut
water. After a few days, thirst be your worst enemy.

Three. Find the best weapon. It should be light and if possible, should
can be attached on your body, so you leave both hands free. The have occupied during the
next hour.

April. Starts storage on the second floor. Use the lists given as your guide. Most
households have at least 50 percent of the listed objects. Take a quick inventory to see
what you have. Do not take it all, just only the essentials: one or two weapons, some food (you already have a
bathtub full of water), a flashlight and a battery powered radio. And since most of the families keep the closet
above medicines will not need anything else. Remember. You can have some time, do not spend
gathering supplies when you still have ahead the most important job.

May. Taken down the stairs! Since zombies are unable to climb, this method ensures your safety.
Many have argued that an easier solution would be to cover tables with all windows and doors. This
method is self-defeating as it only take a few zombies break through a barricade
homemade. Definitely destroy your staircase will take time and energy, but it must be done. Your life depends on it.
Under no circumstances, do not try to burn the ladder in hopes of catching fire.
Many people have tried to save time this way; their efforts have ended in death
by fire and the total destruction of your home.

6. If you have a ladder, Use it to continue storing supplies in your shelter
above. Otherwise, what you have catalogs filled all sinks and other receptacles with water and prepare for a
long wait.

7. Remains out of sight. If you listen to the radio, do it with the volume turned down. When the heavens
obscure, do not turn on the lights. Do not go near the windows. Try to pretend that the house has been
abandoned. This will not prevent a random zombie intrusion, but it will help discourage descending a
congregation of dough on your home.

8. Do not use the phone. As in all disasters, the lines are likely to be congested. A
call only contributes more to clog the system. Keep ringing to minimum. If a call comes in, answer
whatever, but do it quietly.

9. Alternative escape plans. You can be safe from zombies but no fire. If a driving
gas explodes, or some crazy down the street goes crazy with Molotov, may have to leave your
household. Find a bag or other means to carry the essentials
B. Strategies for single-story homes

If you do not live in a two story house, the attic will be a less comfortable but also safe substitute. The
Most can be secured by removing

Simply removing the retractable ladder or staircase temporary hand. Zombies lack the ability
cognitive to build a ladder for themselves. If you keep silent, not even know that there
an attic.

Never use the basement as a shelter. The popular horror movies have shown that, at the crucial point,
this underground chamber can protect the living from the dead. This is a dangerous fallacy. Fires,
suffocation or starvation just in basements have claimed hundreds of lives over the years.
If you are in a one-story house, no attic, lay hold all the supplies you can, grab
a gun and get on the roof. If you kick the ladder and there is direct access (a window or
a hatch), the undead not be able to catch up.

Stay calm and silent to avoid
attract the undead. Zombies in the area assail home, explored in search of prey and leave. Stay on the roof for as long as possible, until supplies last or
Rescue patrol arrives. It may not be convenient, but it's your best chance of survival.
Eventually, if unavoidable leave the shelter
As with private houses, you can find security in public and non-residential buildings. In
some cases, their size and arrangement may offer more protection than the safest of homes. In
other cases, the exact opposite is true. Since arming and equipping of these structures should be
Just as private households, although on a larger scale, this section is focused on the best and worst
public shrines.
Many of the rules on apartment houses can be applied to office buildings. A
Once you have left the ground floor, the stairs have been destroyed and have been out of service
elevators, an office building may be a protective tower.
Since there is a general provision, decide if a public school is a good place to hide
can be somewhat tricky. Keep in mind the general rules of defense.
Unfortunately for our society but fortunately given a zombie siege, schools
slums has taken an atmosphere of strength. These buildings were built not only for
resist a revolt, but metal fences that surround these rooms do seem to Education
as military complex. Food and medical supplies would be readily available in the cafeteria,
nursing office or physical education. Often, a school is your best bet-perhaps not for
education but certainly to protect themselves from an attack of the undead.
Which appear as one of the safest and most logical place to escape in the event of an outbreak locations is really
one of the worst. Yes, what hospitals may have stored food, medical supplies and personnel
expert. Yes, the structures can be secured. As an office building or apartment. Yes, you can
have security personnel, including the usual police presence. In any disaster, a hospital
would be the first in the list of shelters. Not so when the dead will rise. Even with the increased
awareness about zombies, Solanum infections are still misdiagnosed.
Human bites or recently deceased corpses always lead to hospitals. Most
Zombies of the first wave (in some cases 90 percent) consist of medical personnel or those
involved in the treatment of corpses. The chronological maps show rashes zombies
literally radiate from these buildings.
Unlike hospitals, the reason to avoid police stations has less to do with zombies
with humans. In all likelihood, people living in your town or city throng the station
police, creating a nexus of chaos, bodies and eventually blood. Imagine a compact crowd
terrified people squirming, too many to be controlled, all trying to make their way into
the building they believe best represents safety. No need to be bitten by zombies when
beatings, stabbings, accidental shootings and even being hit is absolutely probable. So that,
when the dead rise up, locate your local police station, and just go in the other direction.
For Class 1 uprisings, many types of stores provide adequate shelter. Those with canceled
roller, or other solid can be stopped until ten zombies for several days. If the siege lasts
something else or they are more zombies, the situation can change dramatically. Enough rotten fists
enough heavy forms slamming against the door, will bring down eventually. Be always a
alternative escape route planned, so if the barricade is broken, you can go ahead
quickly. If you can not make a solid Plan B, do not take into consideration this place as a refuge.
Stores without external doors are out of the question. Your windows will only
warn of your presence zombies.

Although have enough food to feed your party for years, supermarkets also
they are dangerous. Its huge glass doors, even if they are closed and confined, provide little protection.
Strengthening these tickets would be difficult. Basically, outside a supermarket is a showcase
giant, designed to show the delicious fresh food inside. With indoor and human zombies
out, this is exactly what they will do.
However, not all food stores are death traps. Relatives markets more
discounted and small food stores in the old part of the city can serve quite well
as temporary shelters. To guard against thieves and more recently, the revolts against all
have strong steel doors, some even solid roller shutters. As stores these
small markets can provide adequate protection for short bouts of low intensity. If you
find yourself in one, remember to consume perishables first and be willing to get rid of the rest if (when)
power outage.

A structure virtually indefensible. Large shopping centers are always a target for both
humans and zombies. This is always the case in social unrest: the first sign of trouble,
This concentration of wealth is crammed private security, police, even super excited owners
of stores. If the crisis happens suddenly, a large number of traders can be seen trapped
within the shopping center, creating problems of crowding, crushing and suffocation, as being a
attraction to the dead. In a rash of any kind, go to a shopping mall can be
mean contact one of chaos.

Pardon the expression, but the places of worship are a mixed blessing. The great advantage of most
churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship is that they are built to withstand an input to the
force. Most have heavy wood or metal doors. The windows tend to be high on the
ground level. Most have cast iron gates that, despite its aesthetic claim, can
serve as added protection. When compared to many secular structures of similar size, the
typical place of worship is surprisingly safe. However, the protection offered during a
eruption never be enough against the horde of zombies will come for sure. The inevitable carnage, for
course, has nothing to do with the supernatural. Satan's soldiers are not out to invade the house
Lord. The bad end is not struggling with the ultimate good.

The undead attack churches for good reason: It's where the food is. Despite his education, technical wisdom and selflessness professed by the spiritual world, urban Americans run, screaming to their gods the first sighting of a zombie. These places of worship, overcrowded praying aloud for their souls, have always served as beacons to guide the undead. Aerial photographs have shown zombies migrating slowly and steadily increasing in number, to slaughter future: the nearby church.
Given its lack of windows, entrances and easily insurable provision generally spacious, the
stores can be an ideal retreat for extended periods of time. Many stores have a
security office usually with sanitary facilities and therefore water supply immediately. If the stored goods are stored in big-resistant packaging, consider yourself lucky. These drawers can be used to reinforce inputs create private rooms or even as many of us did as children, be used to build a secondary line of defense or "fort" in the main area. There
possibility, although unlikely, that whatever goods stored could be helpful
for your survival. For all these reasons, ranks among your most attractive stores shelters. A
warning concerning the location: 50 percent of the time, these buildings are built near
shipyards, factories or other industrial areas. In this case, be cautious, vigilant and ever ready to estate
flee. Beware also of refrigerated warehouses that keep perishable goods. Once no
electricity, can become a serious health hazard.
Sanitary facilities and so I immediately water supply. If the goods are stored
stored in large resistant packaging, consider yourself lucky. These drawers can be used to
strengthen inputs create private rooms or even as many of us did as children, be
used to construct a secondary line of defense or "fort" in the main area. There
possibility, although unlikely, that whatever goods stored could be helpful
for your survival.

For all these reasons, ranks among your most attractive stores shelters. A
warning concerning the location: 50 percent of the time, these buildings are built near
shipyards, factories or other industrial areas. In this case, be cautious, vigilant and ever ready to estate
flee. Beware also of refrigerated warehouses that keep perishable goods. Once no
electricity, can become a serious health hazard.

With some modifications, adequate supplies and proper location, any pier or dock
You can do virtually unattainable. Since zombies can not swim or climb, their only access
would be from the ground. The destruction of that single access point you would on an artificial island.
Despite the fact that they are frequently the storage of industrial wastes and
hazardous materials, shipyards have undeniable possibilities as shelters. As in the
stores, containers can be transformed into barriers. The same vessels become shelters and once prepared has
secured gateway. But before boarding check that no infected crew, in particular
in small docks for recreational yachts. In the early stages of an outbreak, citizens
hesitate to congregate on the coast, hoping to use (or steal) any yacht available. Because
Yacht many basins are constructed in relatively shallow water depth, are not
deep enough to keep the zombies completely submerged.
More than once, an unsuspecting amateur angler has boarded his ship to be several
Starved zombies waiting soaked.

What could be safer than a fortress and built to house the most prized item of the Earth? Would not it be a bank a logical place to prepare a defense? Are your security measures would not be
more than enough to repel a horde of undead? Not at all. Even the test more
shallow banks reveals that most of the so-called characteristic of "security" require
deployment of police and / or external security. With the police and all other special forces occupied
otherwise during an outbreak, silent alarms, surveillance cameras and locked doors that reach the
waist will be useless when the dead from breaking through glass panels meat hungry
human. Of course there is no security in the safe. These titanic constructions would stop
even zombies armed with rocket launchers. (No, zombies do not know how to handle a rocket launcher) No
But once inside the safe, now what? Since there is no food, no water and little of the precious
oxygen, seek shelter inside a safe will do little more than give you enough time to target a
gun to your head, make peace with your god and pull the trigger.

Ironically, despite many popular myths, cemeteries are not the most dangerous place to be
when the dead rise. In fact, they can be a temporary resting place. As has been said
previously infected bodies are more likely to end up in hospitals or morgues, reanimating
long before they can be taken to the cemetery for a conventional funeral. And if, by miracle, a
corpse back to life in the coffin, could really "rise from the grave"? To answer this
question, one must ask another question: how? How could a body with normal human strength
I clawed out of a coffin, possibly made of steel, possibly encased in a box
hermetically sealed six feet under the ground? If you look at the methods involved in conservation
standard American burials, the obvious fact is that no person, UnDead or otherwise,
could possibly scratch, dig and crawl all the way to the surface. But what if the
coffin is constructed of steel? Even a simple pine box to bury prison would be sufficient to
tougher zombie. What if the wooden coffin rots? In this case, the body has been resting
buried so long that their brain is also rotten.

Remember: The reanimated bodies that have to be fresh, reasonably intact and infected with the virus. Does this describe a deceased corpse long ago? Although regarded as a characteristic image of the undead, such as vampires drinking blood or werewolves howling at the
full moon, the fact that zombies are not and never will rise up from the grave.

Applies the same principles to police stations, hospitals and temples of worship buildings
state government, municipal and federal. Most will be the focus of human activity
concentrated, making them centers of mayhem and zombie congregation. Avoid buildings fully
government as far as possible.


The oldest buildings in the downtown neighborhoods tend to be safer than others. Your confidence
in high fences, razor wire, barred windows and other anti-theft measures make them easily
defensible. The buildings in areas of medium-high purchasing power tend to emphasize more aesthetic. What
rich city council wants something that offends the eye in your neighborhood? Instead of horrific, even
ramshackle security measures, these influential people rely too heavily on law enforcement and
private security (forces of proven lack of credibility). For these reasons and if the situation permits, salt
residential and head for the old neighborhoods of downtown areas.
It provides that "accidents waiting to happen."

Many industrial structures of the class
commonly found in the old downtown neighborhoods or areas of the lower town house materials
explosive or flammable. They can also contain complex machinery such as generators
electricity and air conditioning systems, mechanisms that require constant monitoring. Put these
two points together and the disaster is guaranteed. The nuclear power plant is just one example Khotan
end. More numerous but less dramatic incidents usually occur with all outbreaks
Class 2 and 3. Seek not shelter in or near industrial sites. Storage facilities
fuel, airport or any other place identified as high risk.

When choosing a shelter, consider these questions carefully:
1. Is there a wall, fence or other physical perimeter?
Two. How many inputs / outputs there potential?
March. Can people in your party simultaneously defend each fence and each output?
April. Is there a defensive secondary, upper floors or attic?
May. Can you ensure the building?
6. Is there a potential escape route?
7. How is the supply situation?
8. Is there water pipes?
9. If necessary, is there weapons or hand tools?
10. Are there materials available to reinforce the tickets?
. 11 How is the issue regarding media: telephone, radio, Internet, etc..?
12. Given all these factors, for how long could you hold you or your group a long siege?

Be sure to consider all these issues when choosing where to settle down. Resist the urge to
throw yourself into the nearest building. Remember, no matter how hopeless it may seem
situation, the time spent thinking clearly is never time wasted.

In Class 3 eruptions, including private homes and public structures are insufficient to
sustain human life. Eventually, people will have suffered inside or degradation of their defenses or
simply ran out of supplies. What is needed in a major eruption is a structure almost
impenetrable to all the facilities of a self-sustaining biosphere. What is needed is a strength.
This does not mean you have to find one immediately. The first few days, even weeks of
Class 3 infection, will be marked by a total riot, an orgy of violence that will terrified the
risky driving. When things have "calmed" human in the area will have been organized,
will have been evacuated or have been completely devoured. Only then should you begin
matching strength.

Barracks Army, Navy, Air Bases or even should be your first priority when you look for a
strength. Many are located in sparsely populated areas and therefore less infected. Most
have elaborate security fences around its perimeter. Some have defensive positions
secondary and even tertiary. Most are equipped with fallout shelters, fully
equipped and functional, some with the facilities of a small town. As have multiple media
communication, will be the last of global installations in losing contact between them. What
more important, however, are not the physical fortifications, but men and women within them.

this is only 1 part of the manual

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